Saturday, 14 February 2015

An Odd Little Shop

Green Man and Gatekeeper is an odd little shop nestled between the Forest of Dean, and the River Severn. 

We aim to sell things which are curious, and delightful, things which are unlikely to be found elsewhere.

Much of what we have on our shelves we make ourselves, leather bags, masks, pewter jewellery and figures, ceramic plaques and sculptures, and also greetings cards based on our paintings. The remainder is carefully chosen to compliment the things we make.

• Books for inspiration •
Some visitors have mistaken the shop for museum, others tell us that it's like one of those small shops that can be found near the entrances of museums. Perhaps it is something of both, a little museum where everything in the display cabinets is there to be seen, and perhaps bought, by anyone who is interested.

A museum houses objects that are unusual, interesting, and sometimes surprising. That is how we aim to fill the shelves.

• Clothing to feel comfortable wearing •

We are guided, and inspired by our interest in the history, myths, and traditions of the land around us. We have ideas of what we'd like to see in the shop, and we try to bring it into reality. Sometimes this takes time, it may mean learning new techniques, or how to work with different materials.
It's a small shop, we can't make everything here, but we do make all our leather items on the premisses and find that visitors are interested in seeing how it's done.

• Leather bound journals to capture your imagination •

• Greetings cards for special friends •

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